Alcohol Support Options
After completing rehab for an alcohol use disorder (AUD), it’s important that individuals take part in on-going treatment and therapy services.
Support For Those Struggling With Addiction
In the last several decades, there has been an increasing number of alcohol support options across the United States. After completing rehab for an alcohol use disorder (AUD), it’s important that individuals take part in on-going treatment and therapy services. Having a support system in place can make a significant difference in the recovery process post-rehab.
Individuals who have overcome a drinking problem can maintain long-term sobriety with the help of support groups, friends and family, mental health professionals and others. These people will be there to celebrate sobriety achievements and milestones, as well as encourage and motivate you during difficult times.
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Generally, your treatment provider or health provider will be able to recommend various alcohol support resources available in your community. It is often recommended that you participate in ongoing support services frequently within the first few months after rehab. Depending on your recovery, you may start to limit how often you attend support meetings or therapy sessions. However, this does not mean that you should stop support programs altogether. Without support, you are more likely to fall back into bad habits and drinking patterns.
Sources Of Alcohol Support
There are countless sources of support for alcoholism. From friends and family to local alcohol support groups, help is available in cities large and small. Before leaving rehab, talk with your treatment provider to determine which support options will be most beneficial while you continue your road to recovery. They will be able to guide you and offer suggestions based on your treatment plan.
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Some of the most common sources of support are:
Friends And Family
Support from family and friends is imperative when it comes to alcohol recovery. These are the people who have stood by your side and will continue motivate you through the ups and downs you may experience after rehab. Realize that you can ask for help and have a shoulder to lean on.
Sometimes family members and friends may want to be active participants in your recovery process, but are unsure what to do. In this case, you can invite them to a support group meeting or schedule a family counseling session. This will help you rebuild your relationship with them and give them ideas on how to support you during your transition from rehab to daily life.
Professional Help
Medical and mental health professionals can assist you with your ongoing recovery process even after you’ve successfully completed rehab. For instance, you should schedule regular appointments with your physician to keep an eye on your overall health and wellness. Your doctor will also be able to recommend nutrition and exercise tips specific to your body.
Alcohol counselors are another source of support after rehab. Frequent meetings with a therapist will give you the opportunity to work through any stressors or urges you may face. In addition, continued alcohol counseling boosts your self-esteem and overall mental health which are important factors in maintaining sobriety.
Support Groups
A wide range of support groups are available for individuals who have overcome an AUD. Larger, well-known alcohol support groups include Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon. Many communities also have local groups that provide help and encouragement to recovering alcoholics. These may be run by nonprofits, faith-based organizations and government-funded agencies.
Support groups are extremely beneficial to a person’s recovery. You can meet other peers who have also overcome an AUD, get advice from sponsors, and talk about your successes and challenges. Some support groups may even plan monthly or quarterly outings such as bowling, going to the movies and having a potluck dinner. Over time, you’ll form new positive friendships with those who support your sobriety.
Learn About Your Treatment Options
Don’t let alcohol use continue to affect your life. Find out how your detox, rehab, or counseling options. For more information, contact a treatment provider today.